A bad system design can lead to much hard work. In order to increase the unit tests coverage, I recently started to work on writing unit tests for some classes. One of the case is I want to test a method as follow:
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publicfinal ReturnType getMethod(SomeRequest someRequest){ AnotherRequest anotherRequest = new AnotherRequest(someRequest); SomeResponse someResponse = SomeService.getInstance().someMethod(anotherRequest); SomeValue someValue = someResponse.getValue(); /** * Some processes with someValue.. */ }
The main purpose of this test is testing the process with someValue, so I should just mock the .getValue() method. But the thing is not that easy. Let me put more related classes here: SomeService.class
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publicfinalclassSomeService{ privatestatic SomeService instance = new SomeService(); static { // A static block } protectedSomeService(){} publicstatic SomeService getInstance(){ return instance; } public SomeResponse someMethod(AnotherRequest anotherRequest){ // Implementation of the method.. } }
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publicclassSomeResponse{ public SomeValue getValue(){ // Implementation of getValue() } }
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publicclassSomeValue{ private String name; privatevoidpopulateValue(PreDefinedType preDefinedType){ // Generate name from a preDefinedType, basically a black box. } public String getName(){ return name; } }